
Course Code:  ITC31013
Course Title: Information System Management
Credit Value: 3 Credits
Notional Hours:
Theory Practical Independent Learning
30 30 90
Course Objective This course provides knowledge and skill about the management of information technology in view of implement business strategies to gain competitive advantage in an organization.
Intended Learning outcome:
  • develop knowledge to use the management systems
  • define roles of members of an IT project group
  • explain the functionality of various components of information systems
  • make use of ethics during the use of management systems
  • outline threads for the business management model
  • Contents:
  • Introduction to information system, Role of IT in business, types of information systems, e-business, e-commerce, e-government, organizing information system function
  • IT infrastructures, components of systems: hardware & software, Fundamentals of database and file organization, queries and forms, basics of computer communication, data management, cloud computing, green computing, HPC system; Introduction to Internet and web programming and page development
  • Knowledge management and decision-making systems, Types of Decisions, Decision-Making Process
  • Security, social issues and policy in information system, Malicious Software: Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, and Spyware, Hackers and Computer Crime, Internal Threats: Employees, Software Vulnerability
Teaching/Learning Methods: Classroom lectures, laboratory practical, tutorial discussions, and blended learning mode.
Assessment Strategy
  • In-course Assessments —————————————30%
  • End-of-course Examination ———————————-70%
Recommended Readings
  • Lynda, corporate information strategy and management, 8th Edition.
  • Laudon, K.C . and Laudon J.P, Essentials of Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology, 13th Edition.3. 
  • Keri E. Pearlson, Carol S. Saunders, Dennis F. Galletta, (2019), Managing & Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 7th Ed, Wiley.
  • Kenneth and Jane Laudon’s popular (2017), Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 15th Ed, Pearson.
  • Haag, Cummings (2012), Management Information Systems for the Information Age, 9th Ed, McGraw-Hill.
Course Code: ITC32013
Course Title: Team Software Project
Credit Value: 3 Credits
Notional Hours:
Theory Practical Independent Learning
_ _ 300
Course Objective Develop problem-solving skills and programing skills through software development for a real-world software development requirement
Intended Learning outcome:
  • define the requirement of the end-user
  • relate the team members to develop a solution for a requirement
  • outline a prototype mode using a software development model
  • develop program to implement the prototype
  • summarize the development process as a report
  • demonstrate skills to create software presentation for the end-user
students are assigned to a group by the head of the department. Each group have
to contact a senior lecturer at the department and prepare a proposal for the
software project. The proposal will be evaluated and recommended by a panel of academic
staff. The students should have a weekly discussion with the proposed
supervisor. Finally each group should submit a report detailing the project,
the copy the developed software and make a demonstration/presentation on the
developed system. The presentation and software demonstration will be evaluated
by a panel of examiners. The project report should follow the guideline given
by the respective department.

Teaching/Learning Methods: Classroom lectures, laboratory practical, tutorial discussions, and blended learning mode.
Assessment Strategy
  • Regular meeting and record book —————————————10%
  • Mid-progress evaluation ———————————-10%
  • Presentation and software demo —————————————20%
  • Viva-voce ———————————-25%
  • Project report ———————————-35%